Highspeed Broadband Expansion Committee Meeting

There will be a Boulder Junction Highspeed Broadband Expansion Committee Meeting on Monday May 4, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.  THE TOWN OF BOULDER JUNCTION IS HOLDING ITS HIGHSPEED BROADBAND COMMITTEE MEETING VIRTUALLY TO PROTECT OUR COMMUNITY FROM COVID-19 utilizing ZOOM and Teleconference.  

1.       Meeting ID: 847-8731-5479

2.   REGISTER: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqf-6rrz4uHd2uFNlgAn-F0FKdLb5e1FrJ

3.       Meeting Password: 893642

A quorum of town board or other town committee members may be in attendance at this virtual meeting for information gathering purposes only and only Highspeed Broadband Expansion Committee action will be taken at this meeting.

Posted by Clerk/Treasurer Daniel Driscoll on behalf of Committee Chairman James Galloway.